Drug and alcohol addiction taxes the body and brain. It impacts life, creates stress, and builds obstacles. If you have already gone through treatment, you know just how far you’ve come in knocking down those walls. Yet, there is more work to be done once you are back to living life. One-on-one therapy is an excellent way to keep up with your specific needs. At Georgia Addiction Treatment Center, we offer an individual therapy program on an ongoing basis. To learn more about this service, please contact our treatment center today at [Direct].

What Is One-on-One Therapy?

Individual therapy, or one-on-one therapy, is a type of therapy session in which you work with your counselor or therapist on your own. It is the direct opposite of group therapy, where you’ll work with a group of peers. This type of therapy provides several opportunities to work through private matters, past trauma, and core concerns that may be causing your addictive behaviors. Most people will embrace this type of therapy in any addiction program they use.

What Are the Benefits of One-on-One Therapy Sessions?

This type of addiction therapy is very private. What you say here is entirely confidential. That may open the door for you to discuss everything that’s bothering you. Some benefits of this type of therapy include:

  • Working through past trauma and uncovering trauma if it’s not known
  • Exploring specific triggers that put you at risk for relapse
  • Creating opportunities to use treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy to change thought processes
  • Diagnosing and treating mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder
  • Utilizing more intense therapies like EMDR to see specific improvements

In this type of therapy session, you will be able to talk about anything and work on yourself in every session. You’ll learn and grow during each session, too.

Why Ongoing Addiction Therapy Is So Important

Life changes significantly once you leave formal therapy. In the months and years following your treatment, you may need to come back for additional help and guidance. That’s because stress, anxiety, and life’s other complications may put you at risk for relapse. One of the best ways to prevent relapse is to seek therapy from a counselor who already knows and can support you.

Many people benefit from ongoing support in various forms, including individual therapy. It may include support groups, local meetings, and alumni programs as well. There’s something special about being able to reach out to a professional who can understand your past and help you make better decisions for the future.

Call Georgia Addiction Treatment Center for Ongoing Help

At Georgia Addiction Treatment Center, we work closely with each of our patients to create a path forward. That path often includes ongoing access to counseling and support groups. It is through this type of support that you can ensure a better chance at long-term recovery.

Our team offers a range of treatment options and therapies to help you. If you are ready to start recovery, learn more about each one of these programs:

Georgia Addiction Treatment Center provides a range of therapy and treatment programs to meet the needs of most people with addiction. One-on-one therapy is a part of our core plan of care available to those with drug and alcohol use disorders. If you’re ready to find your way forward and start recovery, or you need some help after you’ve completed therapy, reach out to us online or call [Direct]. Our compassionate counselors are happy to help you overcome your addiction.

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